Sooo, I have started working with a radio show! Los Pipitos is an organization that works with disabled children and their parents. They've recently been given the opportunity to have a weekly 30min radio show where they can discuss prevention, treatment, and the specifics of common disabilities.
My role on the show is to discuss general nutrition. Its been a really fun challenge! I have talked about ways to include more vegetables in your diet, motivating your child to try new foods, and nutrition deficiencies (Vitamin A, Iron, Water). Also, I write down all the tips so that when I leave in 8 months, Los Pipitos can continue using the tips on their show.
If you're in the Chinandega area and interested in tuning in: Radio Station 91.1 and the show, called somos una gran familia, is every Monday 4-4:30pm!
That's awesome! I tried to have some students start a similar radio show in Somaliland but I wasn't there long enough. This is real PH stuff, haha v. exciting!